Jorc Code Survey

JORC Committee invites public feedback of the draft JORC Code.

The Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) has released the draft JORC Code for public feedback through an online survey, seeking comment from stakeholders ahead of the final review and update of the JORC Code.

The public feedback period will be open for three months, closing 31st October 2024.

The survey allows for responses to be tailored to those elements of the code with which you have the most interaction, experience and interest and can be completed by both individuals and/or organisation entities.

In addition to the survey, JORC engagement events will be held in major centres and online from mid-August to end of September. The schedule of events is available below.

JORC engagement events are being organised in co-ordination with the Parent Bodies AIG, AusIMM, and MCA, and will be advertised on the JORC Website and in member communications.

Your participation and feedback is encouraged.

The Draft JORC Code and online survey can be found at: Draft JORC Code Survey

Draft JORC Code Consultation Events 2024:

The schedule of events is available here Draft JORC Code Consultation Events

What is the JORC Code?

The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ('the JORC Code') is a professional code of practice that sets minimum standards for Public Reporting of minerals Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.

The JORC Code provides a mandatory system for the classification of minerals Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves according to the levels of confidence in geological knowledge and technical and economic considerations in Public Reports.

Public Reports prepared in accordance with the JORC Code are reports prepared for the purpose of informing investors or potential investors and their advisors. They include, but are not limited to, annual and quarterly company reports, press releases, information memoranda, technical papers, website postings and public presentations of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates.

The JORC Code was first published in 1989, with the most recent revision being published late in 2012. Since 1989 and 1992 respectively, it has been incorporated in the Listing Rules of the Australian and New Zealand Stock Exchanges, making compliance mandatory for listing public companies in Australia and New Zealand.

The current edition of the JORC Code was published in 2012 and after a transition period the 2012 Edition came into mandatory operation from 1 December 2013. The JORC Code, 2012 Edition can be found here.

A range of supporting documents can be found on the Library Page of this site, including explanatory materials and a Table 1 template for use in developing Public Reports.

For public reporting in Australia Competent Persons also need to be particularly aware of Chapter 5 a of the ASX Listing Rules and ASX Guidance Note 31. In other jurisdictions Competent Persons need to be aware of the relevant regulatory environment.

Frequently asked questions prepared by ASX, and JORC in consultation with ASIC, regarding the application of the JORC Code and ASX Listing Rules for entities with mining projects can be found here.

The JORC committee

The JORC Code is produced by the Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee ('the JORC Committee'). The JORC Committee was established in 1971 and is sponsored by the Australian mining industry and its professional organisations.

The JORC Committee comprises representatives of each of the three parent bodies: The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA), The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM), and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG); as well as representatives of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FinSIA) and the accounting profession, and an observer from Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC).

The JORC Committee is responsible for the development and ongoing update of the JORC Code.

The JORC Committee is a member of and works closely with CRIRSCO, the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards to ensure international consistency in the development of reporting standards and the promotion of best practice in implementation of the relevant standards and codes.